
Five things you didn’t know about me:

  1. I’m a religious flosser.  Like, I HAVE TO after eating anything.  At my most recent dentist appointment, the assistant said “you floss often, don’t you?” because it’s that obvious.  #teethsoclean
  2. I have anxiety.  Actually…you probably already know this.  I’m pretty open about it on social media.  I decided to take meds last year when it started getting crippling and out of control, and it’s been pretty pivotal for me on my mental health journey.  🙂
  3. When I was a little girl (probably 5 or 6), we were spending the day hanging out at our local lake.  I went and gave a piece of my mind to these older teen boys who were launching frogs from a water balloon launcher.  Damn straight they stopped.
  4. Patchouli is my favourite scent in the entire world.  Call me a dirty hippie, I don’t care.  I put that shit on everything.
  5. I swear like a 19th century sailor (when I’m driving).
  6. I’m an incredible photographer (but you knew that already).

And now you know!

Enjoy this delightful Pitt Lake engagement session with the most beautiful babes around!  I’m so jazzed to shoot their wedding later this year!

PS.  Did I mention I’m an incredible photographer?  😀

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